quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010


terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

Simple Present Exercise

1. Adicione S ou ES aos verbos nas sentenças se necessário. Se não for necessário, coloque um X no espaço em branco.

a) He works in a bank.
b) They livex in France.
c) I watches TV every day.
d) She gos to work by car.
e) The film finishse at ten o'clock.
f) We playx tennis every weekend.
g) They goes on holiday in August.
h) He speak____ Italian and French.
i) She do_____ her homework every night.

2. Escreva frases, usando a forma negativa do Present Simple:

a) (He/not/live/ in Mexico) He doesn't live in Mexico.
b) (She/not//work/in a bank) __________________________________________
c) (I/not/play golf) ___________________________________________
d) (Paul/not/listen/to teh radio) __________________________________________
e) (We/not/speak/French) ___________________________________________________
f) (You/not/listen/to me!) _________________________________________________
g) (My car/not/work)________________________________________________________
h) (I/not/drink/tea) _____________________________________________________
i) (Sheila/not/eat/meat) _________________________________________________

3. Complete os espaços com a conjugação correta dos verbos no Presente Simples do inglês.

Kristin____________(wake up) everyday at 7. She___________(brush) her teeth and then__________(take) a shower. Then she___________(meet) with her friend Jennifer and together they____________(have) breakfast at a little diner near the office. They_________(get) to the office at around 8:30. Kristin__________(go) to the first floor, where she___________(work), and Jennifer____________(take) the elevator to the 11th floor, where her office___________(be). Later, they____________(meet) again at 12 to have lunch.

4. Complete os espaços com a opção correta: do, does, don't, doesn't, is, isn't, are ou aren't:

a.________you like ice-cream?
Yes I_______. I think everybody_________.

b.________ Kim from Australia?
Nope, she________actually Canadian.

c. We__________like the beach very much this time of the year. We prefer the mountains.
Really? Why_______that?
Beaches_______too crowded in the summer.
_________you always go to the mountains in the summer?
About every two years. It_________a shame that we have more free time to travel.

d. How often__________you go to the movies?
Every week or so. I like to watch all the comedies, but I really___________like horror movies.
Really? Horror movies__________my favorite ones.

e. Rose__________here yet. Where_______she?
Oh, she_______late because of the traffic.
Ok, we can wait.__________she have a car?
No, she_________. She always takes a cab.

f._________those your friends from Spain?
They__________my friends, but they___________Spanish. They__________actually from Argentina.
Oh. __________they go to the same school that you go?
No, they___________students. They________actually Spanish teachers.

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